In the beginning of 2020, four dedicated women, Fern Goldstein, Maureen Keeney, Veronica Figueroa, and Sylvia Humphry realized that there was a desperate need for people with Learning Disabilities to have a voice in Delaware. They had each been in contact with LDA of America (LDAA) trying to get something going, and by March, they had found each other, and begun the journey to establish the Delaware state affiliate of the LDAA, The Learning Disabilities Association of Delaware (LDADE), a non-profit 501c3 volunteer organization dedicated to creating opportunities for success for all people with Learning Disabilities (LD) by providing information, advocacy, and awareness of LD. Our members include individuals with LD, members of their families, and professionals who work with them. Since the early days, Sylvia had to step down and has been replaced by Rose Dagg, and our numbers have grown. We are on several state committees, making sure that the LD perspective is heard; we have launched this website and our Facebook page to hear from you; and we have done several webinars to disseminate information about learning disabilities to the public.
Did you know that Learning Disabilities (LD) are hidden handicaps that affect approximately 20% of children and adults nationwide,* or that about 33% of children receiving special education services in the US in 2018-2019 have been diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD)**, or that 60% of adults with severe literacy problems have undetected LD?† † SLD is the most commonly used category in DE for students to be found eligible for special education services. (10,178 in 2019), and 75% to 80% of students with LD have their primary deficits in language and reading, yet there is no state council, committee, or program dedicated specifically to people with learning disabilities.†
So, what can LDADE do for you? LDA Gives you a voice in local and state government on matters affecting people with LD. We can offer referrals for services, advocates for IEP meetings, and advice and information. In addition, LDADE supports the Healthy Children’s Project that protects you and your children from neurotoxins in products you use every day: packaging, food, clothing, etc. We engage in partnerships with other organizations to support and bring the latest research to your child’s classroom, and to advocate for legislation to protect your child’s IEP rights, your rights in the workplace. We hold webinars to inform you of the latest and best information from experts around the country and in your area. We offer local advice and referrals. We are a reliable network of people who have walked more than a mile in your shoes.
We seek to increase community awareness, acceptance, and understanding of LD, encourage early identification of LD, empower those with LD to reach their maximum potential, communicate the latest research, legislation, and best practices to effectively address LD at all levels, provide awareness of existing programs, resources, and services for children and adults with LD, share information about post-secondary options, including college, vocational education, and career opportunities, help prevent or mitigate LD through research, education, and legislation. Your membership in LDADE will help support our efforts to be your voice for LD in Delaware and help us help you Navigate the Maze of Learning Disabilities.
*The State of Learning Disabilities, 3rd Ed. NCLD. 2014.
**National Center for Statistics, US Dept. of Education, 2019.
† Ellis, William, and Shirley C. Cramer. “Learning Disabilities: A National Responsibility. Report of the Summit on Learning Disabilities (Washington, DC, September 20-21, 1994).” (1995).
† † Skinner, Louise, Phyllis Gillespie, and Lynda Balkam. “The challenge of adult literacy: Students with learning disabilities in the ABE classroom.” Adult Basic Education 10.3 (2000): 147.
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